I Know I Haven't Been an Easy Child
Music: Planxty Maggie Browne.
By Turlough O'Carolan. Sequenced by Barry Taylor.
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I know I haven't been an easy child, But love for you lies underneath my whims; There is no way I could be tame or mild: I need sometimes to shout and wave my limbs. You're the wall I need to test my height, The countervailing force to test my strength, The chain I hammer at with all my might, Even though you have increased its length. It's tough, I know, to be both Mom and Dad, To raise me all alone, just hit or miss; To have to play at once good cop and bad, And give me grief before my goodnight kiss. But love against the odds is stronger still: I need your fierce, proud love, and always will. Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.
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