Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon
Some say you may be wired in, a trait
Evolved to help the human race survive;
In which case even atheists must pray
Unconsciously, as sheep dogs might herd children;
In which case even I must find you waiting
Within the deepest longings of my heart.
Forget the many trappings of your glory --
The names, the miracles, the revelations,
The stories, signs and wonders, sacred days:
Within the thing is something more than thingness --
A father, mother, friend to whom I speak,
That I be not entombed alive in stone.
O let me move beyond your mere existence,
The doubt that stands between us like a wall,
And burrow underneath that fierce objection
To where we can converse, a quiet chamber
Still as early morning in the desert,
Lucid as a sunrise on the sea.
Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.
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Nicholas Gordon, P.O. Box 3043, Fort Lee, NJ 07024.
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