I Have a Monster Crush on You

Music: Mikrokosmos No. 113, Bulgarian Rhythm.
By Bela Bartok. Performed by Jorge Franganillo.

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Nicholas Gordon

I have a monster crush on you,
A super-dinosaur!
It sits upon my chest and throat
And yet I beg for more.

When you're away I miss you so
My heart is full of sand.
Yet when you're here my stupid fear
Won't let me touch your hand.

I cannot sleep, I cannot eat,
I'm so wrapped up in you.
My thoughts drift up, away from words,
And fade into the blue.

I know this crush is not your fault;
The dinosaur is mine.
Yet if you could, please rescue me,
And put your arms around me, and hold me, and say
you love me, and Oh! God! Would that be good!

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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